Gram Staining Kit

" Purity in Every Drop"
" Effective, Quality and Sustainable Products"

5206 - ROSA-STAIN Gram Jensen

ROSA-STAIN Gram Jensen is a product for the diagnosis of Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria under light microscopy. Perform the first step of identification easily and safely in species identification analyses with ROSA-STAIN Gram Jensen. Ensure the creation of suitable conditions for rapid and direct preliminary diagnosis and culture studies. However, take a step forward in situations where time is valuable and diagnosis/treatment may be urgent.

    • All processes comply with the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016 GMP).

    • Conventional and stabilised formulations.

    • The same staining quality over a long lifetime.

    • Clear colour separation under light microscopy.

    • Cost-effective, fast and reliable results.

    • Products in various durable packaging according to requirements: 100 Test (50 ml), 500 Test (250 ml), 1.000 Test (500 ml).

    • Dropper apparatus and flip-top lid for clean and easy application.

    • Instructions for use based on scientific data and clear statements on proper use and storage.

Genel Görsel
